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At NVC2018, like in the previous years, leading world’s and Russian experts will hold practical workshops. We invite you to attend them.

The workshops will be held from 16 to 21 October 2018. The schedule is to be determined.
They constitute an important part of our conference program. The number of seats is limited, please register in advance.

Практические мастер-классы Cardiology. A Challenging Clinical Case. Part 2
Practical workshop
16 October 2018

An Interactive Cardiology Masterclass
«A Challenging Clinical Case. Part 2.»

16 October 2018.


Moscow Educational Center of the College of Veterinary Specialists.
The Strogino metro station, Marshala Katukova street 22, building 2.

The masterclass instructor:

Andrey Komolov, Head of the Cardiology Department, the Belyi Klyk Veterinary Clinic, Moscow, Chairman of the Society of Veterinary Cardiology, member the European Society of Veterinary Cardiology.

сost12 000 rubles
tickets 5 of 20left
The working language of the master class is Russian:

The masterclass is intended for veterinary doctors with experience in echocardiography and treatment of cardiac patients.

Last year, “A Challenging Clinical Case. Part 1” masterclass was conducted during NVC2017. The subject aroused a big interest of the cardiologists, the participants were very active, and the masterclass was very successful. As usual, some questions of the audience were answered during the discussions, but new ones appeared immediately.
During “A Challenging Clinical Case. Part 2” masterclass, the veterinary cardiology professionals’ dialogue will continue and early-career cardiologists will receive valuable practical information.

The masterclass program will feature a selection of complicated combined heart defect real clinical cases.

  • Diagnosis
  • Evaluation of hemodynamic disorders and prediction of their progression
  • Choice of the most appropriate and effective treatment tactics for each particular clinical case based on complex conclusions
  • These are just some of the practical issues to be addressed during the masterclass. The proposed ECG data analysis algorithm will enable cardiologists not only to arrive at accurate diagnoses in patients with complicated combined cardiac diseases but also to perform objective hemodynamic assessment.

    The maximum number of participants is 20 people.

    Практические мастер-классы Neurology. Spinal transpedicular fixation
    Practical workshop
    16 october 2018

    A practical master class in neurology. Spinal transpedicular fixation
    16 october 2018


    Moscow Location TBD

    The master class will be held by:

    Natalia Ulanova – chief veterinary doctor, the BEST veterinary clinic, Novosibirsk, leading neurology and neurosurgery specialist of the clinic
    Sergey Gorshkov – veterinary surgeon, orthopedic specialist, neurosurgeon, the BEST veterinary clinic, Novosibirsk

    The master class is intended for veterinary surgeons, orthopedic specialists, neurosurgeons with experience in spinal surgery

    The working language of the master class is Russian

    Transpedicular fixation

    This method was developed in 1960-1970s. Nowadays, it is used in veterinary medicine for treatment of lumbosacral stenosis, spinal fractures, for stabilisation in patients with Wobbler Syndrome and in patients with various inborn deformities.

    Implants, usually pedicle screws, are inserted into the pediculus arcus vertebrae with subsequent assembly of the structure into a single system with use of bars and crossbars. Bringing the implants through these points allows to achieve maximum stability.

    The advantages of the technique:

  • strength on the osseous-to-metal boundary
  • avoidance of spine damage if implanted within safe corridors
  • easy and convenient system installation
  • adjustability in distraction force and reposition level at any moment
  • Transpedicular fixation is a novel and promising step in small animal vertebrology ensuring rigid fixation of spine segments.

    The master class program
    10:00 – 11:00 Spinal transpedicular fixation in patients with spinal fractures Natalia Ulanova
    11:00 – 12:00 L7-S1 transpedicular fixation in patients with lumbosacral stenosis Sergey Gorshkov
    12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break
    12:15 – 13:30 Cervical spine transpedicular fixation in patients with Wobbler Syndrome Natalia Ulanova
    13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
    14:00 – 18:00 Cadaver Practice Technique, installation, mounting of transpedicular structures on various sections of the spine Natalia Ulanova
    Sergey Gorshkov

    Registration will open soon. Follow our news!

    The number of participants is limited to 16 people.

    Практические мастер-классы Cardiology. Tachyarrhythmias
    Practical workshop
    20 October 2018


    20 October 2018.

    сost10 000 rubles
    tickets 8 of 20left


    Moscow, congress hotel "Alliance Greenwood",
    the 72nd km MKAD, the Greenwood business park.

    The workshop will be held by:

    Maria Nazarova, Veterinary cardiologist, the Komondor veterinary center, Moscow.

    The working language of the master class is Russian:

    The master class will be interactive. Each theoretical unit will be followed by a practical class in which skills will be practiced on electrocardiographic and clinical examples.


  • types of tachyarrhythmias, their mechanisms and classification
  • keys to diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias with use of ECG and a cardiomonitor
  • review of the algorithm to be used when a patient with tachyarrhythmia arrives - hemodynamically stable or needing treatment in the ICU
  • Clinical cases

    a workbook with ECG for analysis during the master class
    classification of tachyarrhythmias
    check lists

    During the master class, the participants will practice working with the ECG using the algorythm, make lists of differential diagnosis, range them and choose the treatment approach.


    Практические мастер-классы Company Management
    Practical workshop
    20 октябрь 2018


    сost17 000 rubles
    tickets 13 of 25left

    20 October 2018.


    Moscow, congress hotel "Alliance Greenwood",
    the 72nd km MKAD, the Greenwood business park.

    The master class will be held by:

    Konstantin Malyshev – a business practitioner, a sought-after speaker and expert in improvement of business efficiency. An owner of several active companies in Ekaterinburg.

    The working language of the master class is Russian:
    The master class program
    The company organizational structure.
  • The key principles of systematization of business processes.
  • Writing job descriptions.
  • Fast-flow company management without constant involvement of the manager in decision making.
  • KPI-based company management.
  • Personal performance results understanding by each employee.
  • Performance results measurement for each company employee and unit.
  • Company viability objective indicators.
  • Intra-corporate communication system.
  • Interaction between colleagues.
  • Interaction between the manager and subordinates.
  • Corporate finance management.
  • Cash flow control in the company.
  • Creation of a company safety cushion.
  • An effective remuneration system for the company owner.
  • The number of particiants is 25 people.

    Практические мастер-классы Orthopedics. CBLO
    Practical workshop
    20 October 2018

    The workshop of the Orthopedics stream "CORA based TPLO (CBLO) Dry lab".

    20 October 2018


    Moscow Educational Center of the College of Veterinary Specialists.
    The Strogino metro station, Marshala Katukova street 22, building 2.

    The workshop will be held by

    Vladislav Zlatinov DVM, Dip ECVD, PChief Orthopedic Surgeon at Central Veterinary Clinic - Sofia, Bulgaria. Co-founder and part of the initiative committee of Bulgarian Association of Veterinary Orthpaedy Traumatology (BAVOT).

    Working language:

    Target participants.
    This is a master level course suitable for veterinary surgeons with some previous experience in small animal orthopaedic surgery and internal fixation.

    Course objectives.

    On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize the clinical and radiographic indications for CBLO surgery
  • Perform surgical planning for CBLO surgery
  • Perform the surgical approach for combined stifle joint exploration and CBLO surgery
  • Be familiar with the application of locking CBLO plates to stabilize the osteotomy
  • Course description.

    The goal of this course is for veterinary surgeons with an interest in orthopaedic surgery, to develop proficiency in the planning and successful execution of CBLO using different implants for stabilization of the osteotomy. The workshop will cover the topics of clinical examination of the cruciate deficient stifle, concepts of CBLO and radiographic planning, surgical technique of locking CBLO plating, and complications of CBLO. The surgical technique of plate application will be practiced on plastic bone models.

    The workshop program
    09:30 – 09:50 Cruciate ligament rupture- ethiopathogenesis.
    09:50 – 10:10 Clinical diagnosis of partial and complete cruciate ligament rupture.
    10:10 – 10:30 Radiographic diagnosis of partial and complete cruciate ligament rupture and differential diagnosis.
    10:30 – 10:50 Different surgical techniques for cruciate ligament failure.
    10:50 – 11:10 Surgical anatomy of the knee joint.
    11:10 – 11:30 Coffee break.
    11:30 – 11:50 The Concept behind CBLO.
    11:50 – 12:10 Radiographic planning for CBLO.
    12:10 – 12:40 Practical exercise on radiographic planning for CBLO.
    12:40 – 13:00 Implant design & instrumentation for CBLO.
    13:00 – 13:30 Description of the CBLO surgical technique.
    13:30 – 14:30 Lunch.
    14:30 – 14:50 Post-operative care and follow-up.
    14:50 – 16:50 Practical exercise on CBLO: plastic knee models.
    16:50 – 17:20 Intra and post-operative complications in CBLO.
    17:20 – 18:00 CBLO in complex conditions (patellar luxation, excessive tibial slope, tibial malalignment).
    18:00 – 18:15 Questions and discussion.
    Registration will open soon. Please follow the news.

    Практические мастер-классы Physical Rehabilitation
    Practical workshop
    20 October 2018



    20 октября 2018 года

    Место проведения:

    The Zoostatus veterinary center of animal health and rehabilitation,
    Moscow, Varshavskoe avenue 125, building 1.


    Janet B. Van Dyke, DVM, Dip.ACVSMR, CCRT, an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, USA. The President-elect the Veterinary Orthopaedic Society (VOS).

    Ellen Martens, PT, MT, CCRT, the founder and president of the Belgian Association for Certified Animal Physical Therapy. Teacher of canine rehabilitation at the University of Ghent.


    The workshop will primarily be interesting for veterinary rehabilitology practitioners, but it can also prove to be useful for veterinary traumatology and orthopedic specialists.


    During the day, we will consider in detail patient examination, palpation, lameness evaluation, diagnostic tests and how diagnosis is set and specified during a patient visit to a rehabilitologist.

    Upon completion of the workshop, its participants will be more confident working with patients, will replenish their knowledge of diagnosis of soft tissue injuries and polish their skills of work with goniometers and Gulick girthometer.

    cost30 000 rubles
    tickets 15


    The discount for registered NVC participants is RUB 1,000.

    If you want to register or if you have any questions concerning the workshop, please write to
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a comment “NVC Workshop”, attn. Nikita Senatorov,
    All registration and payment instructions will be sent to you by email.


    Working languages of the master class are English and Russian:

    The workshop program:
    09:00 – 10:40 Bone Landmark Palpation:
    presentation: Neck and Thoracic Limb
    practice: palpation
    presentation: Trunk and Pelvic Limb
    practice: palpation.
    10:40 – 10:55 Coffee break.
    10:55 – 12:35 Muscle Palpation:
    presentation: Neck and Thoracic Limb
    practice: palpation
    presentation: Trunk and Pelvic Limb
    practice: palpation.
    12:35 – 14:05 Lunch.
    14:05 – 14:45 Presentation: Goniometry, Girthometry, Flexibility, and Special Tests.
    14:45 – 15:45 Practice: Goniometry, Girthometry, Flexibility, and Special Tests.
    15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break.
    16:00 – 16:50 Presentation: Lameness Evaluation.
    16:50 – 17:00 The Q&A session.

    Практические мастер-классы Surgery. Upper airway obstruction
    Practical workshop
    21 October 2018

    Practical workshop of the Surgery stream «Surgical treatment of the patient with upper airway obstruction».

    21 October 2018

    сost20 000 rubles
    tickets 9 of 12left


    Moscow Educational Center of the College of Veterinary Specialists.
    The Strogino metro station, Marshala Katukova street 22, building 2.

    The workshop will be held by

    Lev Golub - Veterinary doctor, surgeon, endosurgery-specialist, head of the Surgery Department, the Biocontrol Veterinary Clinic, Moscow,
    Dmitry Neginsky – Veterinary doctor, surgeon, the Belyi Klyk veterinary clinic, Moscow

    Working languages of the master class is Russian:

    10:00 – 11:50 Lecture part.
  • Laryngeal paralysis.
  • Laryngeal tumors.
  • 11:50 – 12:05 Coffee break.
    12:05 – 13:00 Lecture part.
  • Brachycephalic syndrome.
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch.
    14:00 – 18:00 Practical part. A cadaver course.
  • Arytenoid cartilage lateralization, an in-depth review of surgical anatomy.
  • Rotation palatoplasty and H-palatoplasty in patients with brachiocephalic syndrome.
  • Various tracheostomy techniques.
  • Практические мастер-классы Management. DISC Typology
    Practical workshop
    21 October 2018


    сost17 000 rubles
    tickets 21 of 25left

    21 October 2018.


    Moscow, congress hotel "Alliance Greenwood",
    the 72nd km MKAD, the Greenwood business park.

    The master class will be held by:

    Vasily Pigin – a Business Trainer, Team & Organisation Development Consultant, General Director, TTISI, Russia.

    How to select and manage effective employees using the DISC system:

  • the human factor problem for a manager - businessman
  • why traditional staff recruitment does not work properly
  • how to take human factor under control
  • The working language of the master class is Russian:

    I have been waiting for this event for 2 years and I am happy that it will take place and will be held at NVC.

    DISC typology is one of the most effective classifications of personality types based on behaviour strategy. You must have come across references to DISC in speeches of western speakers, when they showed you four-color diagrams (red, yellow, blue, green). The variety of human character types is based on the mixture of the four key types.

    The valuable advantages of work with DISC:

  • You being to understand what ideal behavioural type is appropriate for each job in your clinic. This will help you to recruit staff effectively.
  • You will be able to assess people surrounding you easily not only at work, but also in life, and you will understand their behavioural reactions better. This will help you set up communication with people who are difficult for you.
  • You will have a unique methodology which will allow you to communicate with each behavioural type in a constructive manner. Conflict situations will no longer be a problem for you.
  • You will learn to understand which incentives are the best in working with a particular employee without using tests.
  • This knowledge is important both for business owners and managers and for each person interested in personal development and effectiveness!

    I am looking forward to seeing you.

    The master class moderator Olga Bekerova - personnel and organizational development director, the CityVet chain of veterinary clinics and drug stores, St. Petersburg.

    The number of particiants is 25 people.