Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

Participants may need visas to enter Russia. Please check on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or with your local Russian Consulate to find out if you need a Russian visa.

To find out what documents you must submit when you apply for the Russian visa, please visit the website of the Russian consulate in your country or the visa center providing visa processing services for the Russian consulate – you will find links to websites of such visa centers on the Russian consulate webpages.

To apply for the Russian visa to the Russian consulate or visa center in your country, you need an invitation in which your travel dates, route, passport details and hotel will be specified. Please use services of a travel agency to obtain such an invitation. The conference can issue a letter confirming that you will attend the event, but this letter does not constitute an invitation. Please note that the visa is glued into your passport. To get a visa, you must give your passport to the consulate or visa center for 3-10 working days (a letter issued by the conference or an invitation issued by the travel agency do not give you the right to enter the country if you need a visa).

We can recommend a travel agency based in Russia where you can request a visa invitation. Please quote the promo code "veterinary conference" if you order your invitation from this agency and would like to get a discount. It accepts credit card payments. You can also use any other agencies. Please note that the approximate cost of the visa invitation is EUR 15. If you use any other agencies in Russia or in your countries to obtain a visa invitation, please keep this amount in mind as a benchmark.

The Russian visa received in the consulate or Russian visa center will cost on average EUR 35 for EU citizens, USD 160 for the US citizens, plus minor agency fees if you apply to the visa center. Third-party visa centers based in various countries may offer a lot of additional services at additional charge. To minimize your costs, we recommend using the consulates and their official visa centers to receive visas.

Please obtain health and travel insurance for your trip.