Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

Dear colleagues,
This year, results of new and very important MMVD studies will be presented during the NVC 2019 Cardiology sessions.

Although the conference of the Society of Veterinary Cardiology where we reviewed this disease in detail was held just 2.5 years ago, the findings of the new studies can influence the existing recommendations.
We will also consider cardiorenal renocardiac syndrome and arterial hypertension in dogs and cats.

We have invited two outstanding specialists from the USA – Michele Borgarelli and Sonya Gordon.

Sonya Gordon is the author of the biggest studies of patent ductus arteriosus, so we decided to cover this subject in detail, too.

Of course, we also reserved some time in the program for Russian doctors to present findings of their own studies and interesting clinical cases.

We are looking forward to your applications and we invite all members of the veterinary cardiology community to participate in the work of our stream.

It will be very interesting as usual.

Andrey Komolov