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Complex things explained in simple words.... 

This year, the keynote speaker of our Endocrinology stream will be Federico Fracassi, Diplomate ECVIM-CA-internal medicine. In 2005, after the PhD, he became a permanent staff member at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences - University of Bologna (Italy) where at present he is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and head of the unit of Internal Medicine. His duties include patient care, education (to students, post graduate training and training of interns and residents) and research in internal medicine of companion animals, with special emphasis on endocrinology. He is the president of the European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology (ESVE), past-president of the Italian Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine (SIMIV), board member of the executive committee of the ECVIM-CA congress and editor of "Veterinaria", a peer review journal.

During our sessions, we will discuss in detail diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus and consider theoretical and practical aspects of particularly challenging cases. We will speak about endocrine causes of failure to grow and canine acromegaly. Dr. Fracassi will share his approach to the patient with polyuria and polydipsia and clinical cases. Maxim Belenson will share his experience in achievement of diabetes mellitus remission in dogs and cats. Natalia Smirnova will present a number of challenging and rare clinical cases from her practice.

If you have read this announcement to the end  ;)

Upon completion of two days' session, we will have a raffle. The prize will be the book Canine and Feline Endocrinology 4th Edition, by Edward Feldman Richard Nelson Claudia Reusch J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, for the first time translated into the Russian language. It's a must-have for those willing to treat endocrine disorders.