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Dates: 9 and 10 November

The NVC 2020 Nephrology stream is honored to introduce its keynote speaker – JD Foster, the president of the American Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology, Practicing physician, head of the Nephrology & Urology Service at Friendship Hospital for Animals in Washington, DC, where he also directs the Extracorporeal Therapies Service, a wonderful person and teacher. This year, JD will tell us about urinary incontinence in dogs, treatment for complicated urinary tract infections, treatment of urolithiasis, to name just a few.

Thanks to the online conference format, we will meet Leo Londono again! Leo won the audience of NVC2019 by his enthusiasm and ability to explain complex things in simple words. This year he will share clinical cases from his practice.

Alisa Novichkova, head of the extracorporeal therapy department of the Innovative Veterinary Center, will discuss with us a topic relevant for many doctors - hemodialysis in dogs and cats, how is it done, when is it time to start doing it and how the patient benefits from it.

Regina Surikova and Sergey Tatarintsev, the Kot i Pes veterinary clinic, will tell us about their experience in rescuing cats with ureteral obstruction. We will look at this problem through the eyes of a general practitioner and a surgeon.

The Veterinary Medical Association NephroUroVet is preparing concerted recommendations for management of cats with CKD stages 3-4, and Lemara Voitova, the Innovative Veterinary Center of the Moscow Veterinary Academy, will share them with you.