Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

Neonatology is a very challenging science in any sphere of medicine. A little patient is absolutely defenseless. He is weak, dependent and cannot show that it is in pain and feeling bad.

A newborn is very different from an adult. Therefore, providing veterinary assistance, and especially to  neonates, me must clearly understand the differences in physiology, specifics of reflexes and needs. The algorithms used in adult animals are not always appropriate and useful in babies.Veterinary neonatology is a very young discipline. Only a few specialists are deeply involved in the health of newborns. This year, the NVC reproduction stream is brining together the most famous and experienced colleagues from different countries. During 2 days we will be talking about the most important and fundamental stages of control, resuscitation and treatment of newborns.

Neonatoloy is very important and interesting for all veterinary professionals.

We are looking forward to seeing you online!