Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

Dear colleagues,
This year, the Reproduction stream will present topics relevant for all veterinary practitioners.

We decided not to focus on all-too-common topics like infertility and endometritis. Instead, we will discuss pharmacology and endocrinology, medicinal products in reproduction, techniques used to influence the endocrine function, effect of hormones on the body, and their practical use. We will review progestins and their dose-dependent effect and will try to demolish the myth “Progestins are evil”. We will go beoynd the limits of standard protocols and guidelines. We will learn what Dr. Papich did not know.

The topics will be so accute that they will be very useful not only for reproduction specialists but for general practitioners as well (for example, urinary incontinence in the female dog, mammary dysplasia). The lead speaker of the stream is Professor Stefano Romagnoli DVM, MSD, Dip.ECAR, the author and co-author of more than 230 papers, including book chapters and scientific abstracts. One of the opinion leaders in modern small animal reproduction, a top-class speaker who knows how to present the most complcated issues in a logical and easy-to-understand manner, he will share with us his wealth of knowledge.