Невероятно короткий путь к основным разделам сайта. Так называемая «червоточина» (wormhole)

This year we are launching another interesting session.

If you are conducting research or have an interesting clinical case, you can declare about yourself in a poster presentation.

What it is?

A poster presentation (poster) is a business card of the work you have done of a kind. A poster usually contains maximum images (pictures, photos, graphs, charts) and minimum text.

The session will be in operation on all the three exhibition days. Special time will be scheduled for communication with the interested audience; you will be able to distribute materials or poster copies.


  • Please send the application to Sergei Konyaev, the head of the Poster Session s.konyaev@yahoo.com.
  • Posters will be reviewed by the Poster Commission and the Scientific Committee of NVC.
  • The draft poster must be provided for approval and amendments no later than on 10 September 2019.
  • The final version must be provided no later than on 15 September 2019.
  • The poster size is А0. 
  • The poster languages are Russian or English.